ZFS talk at EuroBSDcon 2010
Last weekend (8.-10.10.2010) I held a talk at the EuroBSDCon 2010 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany.
It is probably the most popular european BSD conference and it is being attended by many developers of FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. The talks covered innovations in the BSD operating systems and new projects have been presented, too.
I personally liked the Journaled Soft-updates talk by Marshall Kirk McKusick and the Contiki – The OS for the Internet of Things talk by Oliver Schmidt.
My talk was called Quo vadis ZFS and was about the ZFS filesystem with focus on the present state of the availability and development of ZFS.
Presentation slides for download: 2010-EuroBSDCon-Quo-vadis-ZFS.pdf
EuroBSDCon 2010 Homepage